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How to Make Sure Your Business Remains Relevant


It doesn't matter if your business is relatively new or has been around for some time. You must cut through all the marketing noise in your niche if you are to remain relevant and grow.


This can be tough to achieve in today's busy world, but you're unlikely to make as much progress as you would otherwise - and could even go backwards if you don't solve this problem.  


Without a doubt, carefully crafted press releases should be a big part of your solution and some of your most valuable tools, but you've got to go about this the right way – and you've got to do a lot more than just write and send.

Car Copy press release services

Why are You Hiding?


In business, you're not going to get very far if you hide your light under a bushel. Your competitors will use all the tools at their disposal and will undoubtedly look at the power of the press release. They will promote their products or services efficiently, get coverage in all the relevant publications, reach out to bloggers or other influencers – and get much-needed exposure. They'll realise how important it is to rank on those search engine pages and benefit whenever publications mention or link back to them – to create that all-important buzz. So if you don't conduct a proper press release campaign, you will inevitably lose out and be at a major competitive disadvantage.


Why Press Releases?


The press release is more important than ever. While the concept has been around for about a century, it has now evolved to become an essential marketing and communication tool.


Press releases are even more critical if you are in charge of a start-up, as you've got to cut through the noise during your formative months. This is especially important if other organisations have a head start or may have an established marketing and PR machine on their side. You simply have to conduct a press release campaign and make sure that you have a consistent stream of news stories to tell. After all, it's not good enough to create a solitary press release to announce your arrival - and then sit back. Consistency will help emphasise that you are here to stay – and a valuable resource for those looking for help in your niche.


What Makes the News?


In the ordinary course of business, you will have many different opportunities to tell a story and issue a specific press release.


For example:


  • Promote your existence – and especially if you're just getting started

  • Talk about your product and its USP – let people know what you're selling

  • Focus on differentiation – why you are superior to your competition

  • Control the story – to explain your position if you're involved in an event or incident of some kind

  • Manage your reputation – to get ahead of any negative news

  • Boost your social media reach – the added bonus of the press release

  • Markedly improve your search engine rankings – Google will often favour a breaking news story


Remember, you've worked long and hard to create a product or service that you are proud of. Now you need to focus on the reasons why your offering is superior.


Crafting a Campaign – the Core Ideas


What makes your product or service different? Create press release campaigns around each differentiation.


Be prepared to issue a press release around every subsequent "breaking news" story. If you plan to expand, launch a new product or service, land a major client, have a position on a current event of some kind – create a new press release each time. This can promote your organisation in the eyes of the consumer and show that you are a trusted resource, an expert or an authority.


If your voice can contribute to an argument or situation, be ready to craft a response and enter the conversation.


Continue to write relevant content so that you can stay in touch with journalists and provide the information needed for them to promote your brand indirectly. This will help you rise in the search engine rankings.


But remember - each separate press release has to focus on a different "hook." Each one should be fact-based with data that can be unique or help to position the story. Each fact will, in that respect, become a brand-new piece of content, and you can re-purpose that content to create blog posts, articles, emails, white papers and other assets once you have issued the release.


What Makes the Press Release So Potent?


A press release is not an advertisement. People do not like being sold to - and journalists, influencers, or bloggers will not publish a press release seen as such. Instead, you need to write the release in such a way to get the message across without unnecessary emotion or emphasised expression.


A press release can, nevertheless, generate excitement as it is, in effect, an announcement. It draws attention to an event or a feature that must be of interest to the outlet's readership.


Journalists today are often starved of good information. They are always looking for valuable and trustworthy sources, and this is where your well-written press release will come to the fore. If they see your organisation as a good resource for timely and relevant information around your keyword, then you will have forged a good connection. The journalist may turn to your company whenever they have a question related to your niche and be more likely to publish subsequent press releases on the topic.


If a press release is well crafted, many media outlets will publish it verbatim. Google (and the other search engines) love the press release as well. A published press release will rank more highly than an article related to the same topic in many cases. It may appear in Google's "news" section, and if media outlets publish your press release with an embedded link back to your website, you will also get an SEO boost.


What You Should Do Next


If you are not harnessing the power of the press release at present, you should be. However, you may not know how to go about this. You may not know how to write the press release correctly and, crucially, how to distribute it effectively. Worry not - the experts at Car Copy can undoubtedly help. We will bring our decades of experience to the table and help you to launch a comprehensive press release campaign.


Stages of the Campaign


We will:


  1. Work with you to analyse your company, product or service and come up with an initial strategy.

  2. Create a press release/content calendar once we have identified all of the stories or "hooks."

  3. Schedule the work.

  4. Craft each press release and clear the content with you before distribution.

  5. Access what we consider to be the most powerful database in the world, specifically created to help with press release distribution.

  6. Conduct an extensive and very granular search to determine the best outlets (journalists, bloggers, influencers) based on your industry, niche and (importantly) keywords.

  7. Identify those people who have mentioned your keywords within the heading, body or link on individual piece of copy within the last 30 days.

  8. Get feedback that will tell us how many people received the message, opened it and clicked on any embedded links. Those who may open or click several times will be added to a priority list to follow up with them if necessary.

  9. Provide you, at specified intervals, with a comprehensive report that will show you the number of transmissions, open and click rates and other information.

  10. If you choose the monitoring and reporting service, provide you with a raft of information and graphics (see the image below as an example), together with a list of URLs. This will allow you to click through and view your content as the various outlets have published it. The graphics will also tell you where your information was posted geographically and how you perform in relation to your competitors (if appropriate and if requested by you).

  11. You will also be able to see the Ad Value Equivalency, an industry-specific measurement to show the exposure value of the content based on the equivalent advertising tariff. 

  12. Maintain a contact number and reception system to field any incoming messages from press release recipients, looking for more information.



But There's More…


If you choose the monitoring and reporting service, we will monitor social media feeds for key outlets, influencers, bloggers and journalists. We will identify those who are proactive and are inclined to cover other stories related to your niche or keyword. If we see that they are talking about something we feel would benefit you, we may alert you. You can then decide your course of action.


For example, you may want to directly respond to a thread or conversation or write a new press release to put your point across. Either way, this is a service that sets our organisation apart from all the rest. We will launch this part of our monitoring service once we have distributed your press release. We'll not only determine when outlets publish the release but look for additional opportunities for exposure.


Why You Should Choose Us – and Not Another Company


As you may know, there are many press release creation and distribution agencies in the field. However, we believe that our service stands apart for the following reasons:


  • We do not simply send your press release to a stock list.

  • We use one of the world's leading press release distribution services.

  • We do the research to identify the best targets based on a deep keyword search, and a recent history to show interest in the keyword and topic in question.

  • We follow up with those who show more than a passing interest in the release.

  • We field any messages or calls from recipients, looking for more information.

  • We track the social media feeds of influencers, journalists and bloggers, to spot opportunities.

  • All staff members of Car Copy are automotive enthusiasts, with extensive experience in the industry.


We firmly believe that our service stands apart from any other option in the marketplace.


Why You Should Act Right Now


We know that you must be itching to get started, and we are ready to help. We have a dedicated team at Car Copy – with a lifetime of experience creating and distributing press releases in the automotive and mobility world.


And – we have a special offer for you to consider


For a limited time, we are offering a 15% discount for new customers. If you come on board and take advantage of this rate, we will lock it in for as long as you require.


We are proud that our prices are highly competitive in this industry anyway, and believe that this makes our special offer particularly attractive.


Our Standard Rate Card:


Press Release Creation – $699

Press Release Content and Distribution – $1,399

Press Release Content, Distribution, Monitoring, Reporting – $1,699


For a Limited Time, you can take advantage of these great discounts:


Press Release Creation – $589

Press Release Content and Distribution – $1,189

Press Release Content, Distribution, Monitoring, Reporting – $1,439



We can only take on a certain number of new clients due to the scale of the work and how much time is involved in creation, distribution and monitoring. We urge you choose your package below to take advantage while the offer is still available. When you click the CHAT WITH US button it will take you to our Calendly page. Please schedule a convenient time to chat and we will discuss your needs and move forward.


Something Extra


We are also delighted to offer you a FREE CONTENT CALENDAR (usually worth $350). Our team will create this at no cost if you are one of the first customers to purchase one of the packages below.


Harnessing the Power of the Press Release Today


If you have never used the power of a press release to help grow your business, act now and click on the link to chat with us​


In your competitive niche, it is more important than ever to be proactive and ensure that your company is firmly in the spotlight. To help you, remember that the team at Car Copy specialises in the automotive and mobility sector, and we have teamed up with the most powerful press release distribution and monitoring service in the world.


Let us help you succeed – click to get your press release pack right now.

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