Why Your Company
MUST Maintain an Active Blog

If your business has an online presence and you are actively looking to grow, then you absolutely must have a blog. You must ensure that this blog is dynamic - and regularly update it for the best effect. Why is this important, and what should you do now if you are not yet on top of this game?
BENEFIT #1: Better Form of Advertising
Advertisers bombard your prospects every day in the form of banners, pop-ups, flyers and other formats. According to Forbes, most people may see up to 10,000 individual impressions per day - and little wonder that they tend to switch off.
BENEFIT #2: Subtle and Effective Promotion
Innovative companies have now switched to blogging to get their message across in a far more comprehensive – and yet subtler – way. If you follow their lead, prospects (whether B2B or B2C) will be able to read about your services indirectly, learn how your offerings can help them – and pick up a lot of valuable and additional information along the way.
BENEFIT #3: Build Credibility and Boost Reputation
Blogging can also make your brand appear to be more trustworthy than that of a competitor. If you provide accurate and helpful content, you will quickly become seen as a leader in your field and an organisation that can be trusted when it comes to valued business. As you build this trust, so you will build your reputation.
Consistency Is Key
It’s crucial, however, to be consistent when you blog and to ensure that you post AT LEAST once per week. Make sure that your content is well researched, carefully written and is long-form in nature. Each post should typically be at least 1000 words, as this can also help with search engine optimisation.
SEO - and All-Important Rankings
As you may know, your prospects may search for your products or services using a specific keyword or set of words. When they type such a keyword into that ubiquitous box, you will want your option to appear as far up the search engine ranking results (SERPs) as possible.
Keeping Google Happy
Companies such as Google have very clever algorithms that help them to rank individual companies. Therefore, you need to ensure that you correctly optimise your blog posts for the relevant keywords. You should also ensure that your posts are long-form (as mentioned above) and that you update the blog regularly. After all, although Google’s methods are never published, it’s well known that they give a lot of credibility to companies that regularly update their site and provide well-written content.
Car Copy's level of professionalism shines. They were able to get up to speed on my complex service offerings and topics rapidly and helped me get timely, informative content into my prospect’s hands in a hurry. Thanks. Here’s to a long publishing relationship.
Daniel Stouffer, Refrigerant-Tracker. Verisae.
Links from Influencers
As you publish your weekly blog posts, you should also talk with other influencers in your industry to see if you can create some blog posts for them. As you develop this relationship, you should get some crucial links from their authority sites to yours. Once again, this is great from an SEO perspective, as it shows that other prominent organisations recognise and trust your company.
Structuring for Growth
As your blog grows, so it becomes the centre of attention.
You may decide to divide it into several different categories according to your product or service offerings.
You can post various media types here and do not always have to focus on written articles.
If you generate videos, think about linking them with a relevant blog post or even embed the video into your blog.
You can add audio files (interviews or podcasts) so that there is something for everyone – and your blog will then be genuinely multimedia.
Key Take-Aways
So remember, update your website as often as possible if you want to rank well when people search for solutions linked to your product or services. The best way to do this is to maintain an active blog posting regime.
Your Blogging Plan
Aim to produce well-written, informative blog posts at least once per week, using this six-step approach:
Conduct keyword research using the best tools available to develop a list of primary, secondary and long-tail keywords.
Develop a blog post content calendar so that you always generate fresh, informative or pertinent material based on the keywords discovered during your research.
Then, produce the posts (at least 1,000 words each).
Make sure that each post is well optimized.
Add at least one image to your post.
Once published, link to each new post through your social media feeds to generate traffic.
The Issue
Of course, if you’re trying to run a busy company, you may be strapped for time. You may understand how important it is to create and publish these blog posts, but you certainly don’t have the time to do it yourself. Worry not – the experts at Car Copy can take care of this for you, and there’s more good news – we are running a special offer at the moment to commemorate our anniversary.
The team at Car Copy is justifiably proud of the quality of our content, and we know that our services are some of the most competitively priced in the entire industry. But for this offer, we want to go even further to help you with your blog post creation.
We will create 4 x 1,000 word, optimised blog posts per calendar month. Also, in the first month we will throw in (free of charge) keyword research analysis to help you zero in on those all important keywords.
Typically, the costs for such a program, for the first month would be:
four, 1,000 word, optimised blog posts per calendar month: $1295
keyword research analysis: $275
total for the first month: $1,570*
As part of our special, limited time offer, this program, for the first month, is:
just $995* - a 40%+ saving
over our published prices!
From the second month onwards, we’ll maintain this price of $995* for four posts, for as long as you continue with the program. This price represents an ongoing saving of about 23% per month.
Also - we GUARANTEE you will be satisfied with our work. In fact, If you're not happy within three business days of receiving your first completed order, we will refund your money. No matter what you decide, you can keep the keyword research analysis - that will be our gift to you.
Due to capacity, we can only make this offer available to a total of SIX clients.
We already have two clients enrolled, so there are (currently) four spots open.
Finding a quality service is not easy. I went to several services before I found the Car Copy team. The quality of these articles far exceeds the level of their competition and the customer service is excellent.
Michele Dale, VFM.
Simply clickk on the CHAT WITH US button below to schedule a meeting with us. We'll discuss your needs and help you sign up for our Blog Post Traction offer.

Car Copy came to us just when we were looking to partner with a true automotive content provider. The founder, Nigel Evans, and his team are immensely talented, dedicated and passionate of their work, providing us with content and plans in areas we hadn’t even thought of. We are pleased with their contemporary approach of today’s new-media strengthened by their decades of experience on the subject. We hope to continue working with them closely in the foreseeable future.
Rathish Menon, Refounder, AravindAutomobiles.com
FOUR x 1,000 word Optimized Blog Posts per calendar month, written by our automotive content experts
FREE Initial Keyword Research
100% Money-Back Guarantee
Cancel at any time
only $995 per month

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Transactions will display as 'Rallyrace Ltd' (our parent company). May be subject to tax depending on jurisdiction.